About us
The research project GrüneLunge deals with the resistance and adaptability (resilience) of urban trees and forests. Scientists under the leadership of the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are conducting research together with the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU) at the KIT-Campus Alpin, the Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg (FVA), the German Meteorological Service (DWD), and the Horticultural Office (GBA) and Forestry Office (FA) of the city of Karlsruhe.

In the GrüneLunge 2.0 project, the scientific findings to date are to be translated into measures. In the next two years, the main goal will therefore be to implement and consolidate adaptation measures for the future management of urban forests.
The research project GrüneLunge 1.0 dealt with the resistance and adaptability (resilience) of urban trees and forests.